This morning I completed “Santa Croce”, a watercolor, pen and ink painting of an area of Venice, Italy that includes the church of San Simeone Piccolo. The interesting thing about using a 17 year old reference photo is to see how things have changed through the years. I referenced some photos on the web to discern some architectural details that I couldn’t see in my old photo, and not surprisingly, some of the building colors have changed. I chose to paint the buildings true to my 17 year old photo.

Santa Croce watercolor, pen and ink painting in Venice, Italy by artist Esther BeLer Wodrich

Santa Croce
Watercolor, pen and ink

Venice is very special to me, though I have spent barely more than 24 hours there. My husband and I had our first – unanticipated – date in Venice. That’s a long, wonderful fairy tale story for another time. For now I have the privilege to paint and remember that special day that has brought us to where we are now.