This post brought to you by the letter C and the number 4. IMG_20150810_071106


Today marks 4 years since I found out I had cancer. It also happens to be my dear mom’s birthday, so that makes the date especially hard to forget. (Happy Birthday Mom!)

It’s a strange thing to talk about cancer because it makes people wiggle uncomfortably in their seats. I almost feel guilty bringing it up because my version – bladder – turned out to be pretty treatable. I don’t like to make people squirm but I do like to be transparent and help people realize that they are not alone.

I know I’m not the only one who’s had to go through tough things.

Probably most of us “adults” have had some kind of watershed moment that put our whole world into question. My moment just happened to be a short stint with the big “C”, but there are illnesses, deaths, divorce, loss of every kind. They may be similar in their impact but they are unique to each one of us.

Please understand, my intention is not to be a downer.  Quite the opposite.

These days are your chance. This is an opportunity to sincerely reevaluate your life. To make some serious changes in a different – better – direction. So, every September 1st, whether intentional or otherwise, I reflect on how grateful I am to be here another year longer with my loved ones, and contemplating how to enjoy my second chance (more snuggles, more art, more time please!).

Whatever it is that’s going on in your own life present or past, take these anniversaries of sorts not to morn but to reflect and refresh. And may you be blessed for it.

Special thanks to the miracle that God used to bring my cancer to light, my precious family of 6, my dear husband who keeps me grounded always and for the gift of art. May I never again squander the gifts I’ve been given.